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Learn more about clinical trials with Dr. Amir Ajmeri from Temple Lung Center on Tuesday, November 7, 2023 from 1-2.30 pm ET
Learn more about clinical trials with Dr. Amir Ajmeri from Temple Lung Center on Tuesday, November 7, 2023 from 1-2.30 pm ET
Patient Organization Symposium 2023 – Frankfurt, Germany
Patient Organization Symposium 2023 – Frankfurt, Germany It was a tremendous opportunity to connect with incredible patient advocacy organizations around the world! We truly speak the same language, I am humbled by the tenacity, drive and sheer passion we all have for the patient and care partner voice. Thank you so much to Ms. […]
Support Group week of October 16, 2023!
Support Group week of October 16, 2023! 5 great ways to get connected and feel supported in your Pulmonary Fibrosis Journey this week! Will you be joining us?
PCORI 2023 Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C.
PCORI Annual Meeting 2023 in Washington, D.C. – “Engaging Stakeholder to Design a Curriculum for Community Education About Patient-Engaged Research” Dr. Ilene Hollin shares our impactful work at the PCORI 2023 Annual Meeting! A 2 year project that lends to educating the pulmonary fibrosis community about patient-engaged research. A pioneering and innovative project we […]
Encompass Health of Tinton Falls in Monmouth, NJ walks to raise awareness for Pulmonary Fibrosis!
Encompass Health of Tinton Falls in Monmouth, NJ walks to raise awareness for Pulmonary Fibrosis!
PF Podcast: “What is the Role of a Genetic Counselor regarding Pulmonary Fibrosis?” Janet Talbert, MS, CGC, LGC, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
PF Podcast: “What is the Role of a Genetic Counselor regarding Pulmonary Fibrosis?” Janet Talbert, MS, CGC, LGC, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Quarterly Seminar: “Clinical Trials & Current Research” Dr. Aamir Ajmer from Temple Lung Center
Quarterly Seminar: “Clinical Trials & Current Research” Dr. Aamir Ajmer from Temple Lung Center Thank you to Temple Lung Center for your unwavering dedication to search for answers to one day when we find a CURE. Tuesday, November 7 from 1-2.30 pm.
Wescoe Foundation for Pulmonary Fibrosis is recongized by Pennsylvania Association of Non Profits (PANO) for achieving “Standards Basics” accreditation!
Wescoe Foundation for Pulmonary Fibrosis is recongized by Pennsylvania Association of Non Profits (PANO) for achieving “Standards Basics” accreditation! We are incredibly proud to share that Wescoe Foundation has been recognized by PANO at PANO 2023 Conference in September!
Week of October 3rd 2023 Support Groups
Week of October 3rd 2023 Support Groups “October is a symphony of permanence and change.” — Bonaro W. Overstreet What an amazing month September was as we celebrated Pulmonary Fibrosis Awareness month! We are excited to welcome October and invite you to attend one or multiple support groups this month!
PFF Summit 2023 – November 9-11 Abstract Accepted!
PFF Summit 2023 Abstract Accepted! “Taking a Deep Breath: Assessing the Benefits and Challenges of Support Groups for Patients Living with Pulmonary Fibrosis and their Care Partners”