ATTENTION patients and carepartners as well as health care providers,
There will be an education meeting on Saturday, Nov. 17 from 9 am- 1 pm in King of Prussia, PA! You don’t want to miss it. You will be surrounded by leading pulmonologists Dr. Greg Cosgrove, Chief Medical Officer, Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation and Dr. Gerald Criner, Director, Temple Lung Center who will be leading the education event.
When: Saturday, November 17
Time: 9-1 pm
Where: Courtyeard Marriott City Ave
4100 Presidential Blvd., Philadelphia, PA
How do I register?
Call Karen Catino: 773.714.0705 x128
or visit
Click here for PDF (easy printing/reference): WFPF_EmpowingtheIPFPatient2018_FLYER