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Corporate Membership

For the past 17 years, the Wescoe Foundation for Pulmonary Fibrosis has served as the premier 501(c)(3) non-profit organization offering support services, programs and resources to hundreds of individuals living with Pulmonary Fibrosis/Interstitial Lung Disease (PF-ILD) and their families in the United States and abroad. The Wescoe Foundation’s mission is to provide support, education, advocacy and resources for patients living with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF), their care partners and families in order to sustain the highest possible quality of life.

Giving Levels


With your support, we continue to make a profound impact in the lives of people living with pulmonary fibrosis.

As we continue to grow and develop, we realize that there is much more work to be done to better serve this vulnerable population. Supportive care, patient and community engagement, and qualitative research are essential in the overall approach to the treatment of this terrible disease. Your company’s support of the Wescoe Foundation for Pulmonary Fibrosis is vital to continue this upward trajectory in serving this community.

Foundational Programs

The Wescoe Foundation for Pulmonary Fibrosis program outreach not only encompasses the regional area in northeast United States, it receives national and global recognition of its impactful work for patients, care partners, and their families. These programs include:

  • Supportive care through 19 monthly support groups directly impacting over 1500+ patients, care partners, family members, clinicians, and other healthcare professionals.
  • Opportunities through quarterly virtual education seminars and monthly pulmonary fibrosis podcasts; Podcasts exceed over 6000+ downloads, reaching over 72 countries.
  • Accessibility to resources through a one-of-its-kind WebApp.
  • Created Pennsylvania IPF Support Network, the only state-wide support network in the United States.
  • Developed and implemented needs assessment surveys for area community pulmonologists (IRB approved) and patients / care partners attending support group meetings (patient experience data) and using these key findings to optimize patient and clinician engagement.

Your Benefits

Companies who choose to participate in the Wescoe Foundation for Pulmonary Fibrosis Corporate Membership Program will be recognized as a supporter of the Foundation with the opportunity for maximum exposure and benefits (Visionary, Champion, Benefactor) .

  • Company logo, with hotlink, proudly displayed on the Wescoe Foundation for Pulmonary Fibrosis and PA-IPF Support Network websites and promotional publications. (V)
  • Invited to speak at support group meetings and collaborate on podcasts to meet and educate the community. (V, C)
  • Acknowledgment in the introduction and summation of the Quarterly Education Seminars. (V,C)
  • Social media outreach on all platforms. (V, C, B)

“I cannot stress how beneficial and important the Wescoe Foundation for Pulmonary Fibrosis and the PA IPF Support Network is to my patients.When a patient is diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis, it can often be scary, isolating, and difficult to find accurate information.The Wescoe Foundation /PA IPF Support Network provides a community of caring people who can help others going through a similar situation, providing invaluable support and guidance.”

– Dr. Douglas S. Corwin, MD, St. Luke’s Pulmonary & Critical Care Associates -Bethlehem, PA